W.W.M.D.... The other day I was dipping my biscotti and ran into a dilemma. It broke of and became a mushy glob on the bottom of my cup...and I still wanted it. Would it be impolite to face the ceiling, cup in mouth, for an extended period of time until the crumbs ooz down? What if they loosen and just plop onto your nose...then what? I like to ask myself "what would Martha do?" I know I know, Martha would politely finish the coffee portion and set her cup down...all finished...but, then what. She would wait until everyone had left and then she would gorge herself on Biscotti crumbs, chocolate chips, and marshmallow cream! This, my friends, is why I like Martha. I know that she is secretly a real train wreck therefor validating me as a person. Don't worry Martha. I still respect you.
Chocolate Chip Biscotti
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup or 1 Stick butter
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/2 t vanilla
3 cups flour
3 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
1/2 c mini chocolate chips
Mix sugar, butter, eggs, milk, and vanilla untilsmooth. Slowly add flour, baking powder and saltmixture. Mixture will be sticky. After ingredientsare well mixed you can add the chocolate chips andcontinue to mix. Divide dough in half. Shape eachhalf into 10 x 3 inch rectangle on cookie sheet withgreased hands. Bake for about 25 minutes until toothpick insertedinto the center comes out clean. Cool for about 15minutes.Cut crosswise into 1/2 inch slices. Turn slices cutsides down on cookie sheet.
Bake 10 to 12 minutes oneach side. Biscotti should be golden brown whenfinished.
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